I'm here

I'm sitting here taking care of my mother after her double mastectomy surgery.

This last quarter of the year can honestly just f$#k off. Lovingly.

Why am I telling you this? Well here we go…

So many of you, my amazing clients, have really shown up for me these last few months. For the record, y'all have *always* shown up...I mean I have been up and running for over 7 years now.

But the level of grace you all have shown has helped me to be "okay" with showing up as I am each and every day and has truly made me feel like the luckiest human alive.

Around the time I first started writing to you in 2019 was when I first wrote to you about my mothers health. It was also around the time of my "coming out" which is an already intense and vulnerable process.

Now, on the flip side, we are still writing about my mothers cancer, just another form. And now I am healing and heavily leaning on all of my people with a completely shattered and broken heart.

Damn it always stings. But this one, this one hit me unexpectedly and struck different depths of pain I didn't know could even exist.

So again, when you came into my shop and my eyes are all puffy and you weren't sure if the appointment was happening because I hadn't approved it yet and you still continued to refer new people to me and rave about my services and buy makeup and show up in EVERY WAY FOR ME, thank you.

Thank you thank you thank you.

You may have not known what was going on behind the scenes in my life, but the fact that the last thing I ever had to worry about is if I was going to be able to pay my bills --- yeaaaaa that was/is a non issue because y'all f%#king rock my socks off.

I kept having moments where I felt I "needed" to blog, produce content, "stir up some business", and just everything in my soul was like yeeaaaaa hell no on that. I have learned over the years that anytime I force myself to do something just to "produce xyz", it is always incredibly inauthentic and makes me feel gross.

So, thank you all for not sending me one email about my lack of presence.

Allowing myself to just *be* has been the key.

I am spending the rest of the year being as laid back as humanly possible.

I have learned not to trap myself with telling you I am going to blog "this" and produce "that" and sell this one "special" product because my dear human friend reading this, I don't know what my capacity will look like even tomorrow.

So, ya. I'm not doing that.

What I will tell you is that the tattooing game is going strong and better than ever.

I came back from training with my favorite mentor EVER back in October and all of my machine hair stroke eyebrow services are flowing and looking so beautiful.

I have finally added my lash enhancement service to my menu which is where we implant pigment in between the eyelashes; I dangled it in front of y'alls faces for awhile and now I actually do it! haha.

Check it out on the menu: here: https://squareup.com/appointments/book/uebws52t9yy989/BXQP7BY74EYDC/start

So, that is all I have for now. The consistency and care that you all show me makes me feel completely supported and secure in a way that is not synonymous with being a "small business owner."

Thank you endlessly.




Emily Mercer