...ya...I still blog

I know I am becoming a stronger, more authentic version of myself when things like *this* - writing my first blog post for the year of 2022 in November *happens*-...and everything in me is as cool as a cucumber.

In the past... I would have been a little stress ball person. My ADHD would have had me continuing to procrastinate and the blog post still would have gone unwritten. And you best believe the military sergeant in my mind would have reminded me about it every chance it could, and that if I don't get this one thing done... the entire future of my business would tank before I had the chance to save it.

What an absolutely wild way to think. But THAT was my brain for my entire life...up until the last few months.

I won't go into extensive detail about all the changes I've been making, but I will tell you...I have never felt this solid.

One detail to highlight is that I finally, after about 34 years of living on this Earth, was diagnosed with ADHD...the combined type. That means that I not only have a little bit of the impulsive/hyperactive vibes...but I also have the inattention and distractibility touches thrown in the sauce, too.

When I tell you that after I started taking medication and realizing how difficult life had been
FOREVER up until that point...tears ya'll, just so many tears.

It turns out that the anxiety and depression that I thought I had for years was really just undiagnosed ADHD. Don't we love how mainstream medicine doesn't know how to diagnose women because they don't take the time to study us? What a real *treat*.

In conjunction with this diagnosis, I jumped in with both feet into the latin dancing scene and needless to say... I am a dancer now . The main focus has been Salsa and Bachata, but Cumbia and Cha-Cha...I'm coming for you too, babyyyy.

Dancing has been incredibly healing in ways that I could never begin to describe, and being able to process emotions and understand the unique ways in which my baddie brain is wired -- truly a priceless gift.

I feel I am much much more able to connect with all of you when I see you for brow and makeup appointments. I retain information in ways that I never thought I could.

And ya'll... you thought I was detail OBSESSED before...the levels I am now reaching to become the best brow artist in the PNW are within reach and I couldn't be more excited about it.

So...that's all from me for now. I love seeing all of you for your appointments and as always, I would love your feedback on things that are great, not so great, you would like more info on...anything. Shoot, tell me what kind of soda waters you want in the fridge and I GOT YOU.


I am forever grateful for your consistent support and for the new baddies that joined my email list...I am so happy to have you here.



Emily Mercer